This algorithm finds the optimal grouping for a mahjong hand. An optimal grouping minimises ungrouped tiles, then
minimises the number of pairs. The optimal grouping for a hand is not necessarily a winning one.
If the hand has 13 tiles, any tiles that could complete it are also shown.
Some special hands are also detected.
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Enter hands as two-character suit-value pairs separated by spaces.
Suits are bamboo,
honours and
Values are the digits 1-9, east,
fa and
Solved hands are shown in the order of pengs/pongs, chis/chows and pairs.
Interesting features like gang/kong or some other special hands are not implemented.
Notes for nerds:
Split splits your hand into sub-hands of the same suit before solving.
Memo controls memoization, turning it off will cause freezing on certain hands. Try it with 14 of the same tile. I
think all goroutines run on the main thread in js/wasm.
Check the console for call stats.
The wasm is compiled with tinygo, it maaaay be "wrong" compared to gc.
The strategies:
Optimal: Backtracking/DP solution using a slice to hold tiles at each subproblem.
Optimal Counter: Like Optimal, but uses a map of tiles to their counts. Lower branching factor, but higher memory use.
Greedy: Greedily builds 3-tile melds, then returns a solution if it can make a single pair with no tiles remaining.